i’m creating a counter when switching tabs back i’m not getting it correct
cocos creator ver 3.8
please help me!
From the code docs
* @en Event triggered when game hide to background.<br>
* Please note that this event is not 100% guaranteed to be fired on Web platform,<br>
* on native platforms, it corresponds to enter background event, os status bar or notification center may not trigger this event.
* @example
* ```ts
* import { game } from 'cc';
* game.on(Game.EVENT_HIDE, function () {
* });
* ```
static readonly EVENT_HIDE = "game_on_hide";
Your best option here is to use the Game class events EVENT_PAUSE and EVENT_RESUME
How are you creating the counter? Using any timer function like set interval or cocos inbuilt timer function?
When I switch tabs for a long time, my counter goes negative