Tap Hero [Game][iOS (featured in Appstore) / Android]

With a help from a great guy @Boby I managed to enter the google play market with my first game.

About half year ago I managed to get a feature in the AppStore which caused about 500 000 of the downloads. The iOS version is made with cocos2d-objective c branch. Thanks to @Boby it got rewrited to cocos2d-x.

I am an old cocos2d user, and always got a lot of help on both objc 2d-x branches, and today I am proud to present you the final product :slight_smile: It is simple, but I hope you will like it as much as I do :smiley: Thank you for all the feedback

Tap Hero (by Michał Walaszczyk) - arcade pixel app preview - YouTube - Tap Hero youtube app preview

‎Tap Hero on the App Store - AppStore

https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.afg.tap.hero - Google Play


great game!

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Love the artwork! Nice job!

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