The rendering tree is independent, supports culling, Z-axis sorting, and rendering the same nodes in a list, implemented in a few lines of code

First time writing an article, feeling a bit rusty, haha.
Here are some practical tips:

  1. Reorganize the Rendering Tree Without Affecting Logic:

    • By decoupling the rendering tree from the game logic, you can achieve more flexible rendering without interfering with game mechanics. This allows for easier optimization and maintenance.
  2. Off-Screen Culling:

    • Implementing culling for objects outside the screen can significantly boost performance by not rendering objects that are not visible to the player. This can be done by checking the position of objects relative to the camera or viewport before rendering them.
  3. Layered and Batched Rendering in Combat Scenes:

    • In complex scenes, such as combat scenarios with many objects, it’s beneficial to render objects in layers. This involves grouping objects by their Z-axis position and rendering them in the correct order. Additionally, batching similar objects together can reduce the number of draw calls, improving performance.
  4. Combining Similar Nodes in Scrolling Lists:

    • For UI elements like scrolling lists, combining similar nodes can reduce the complexity and enhance performance. This means grouping and rendering identical or similar elements together, which can be especially useful in dynamic interfaces with a lot of data.

There are many possibilities and optimizations you can explore to improve rendering efficiency and performance in your game or application.

After list reorganization:

Before restructuring the list:




Before restructuring the list:

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