Just use your game instead of the HelloWorld tutorial and you should be fine.
If you have any problems following it, please tell us exactly what you’re doing, what are your environment and what’s going wrong so we can try to help.
I changed my ndks path and kept it directly on cdrive
now i get new error… it says
Cannot find ‘make’ program please install cygwin make package……
or define the GNUMAKE variable to point to it…
In Eclipse, click on File~~>Import and then choose “Import existing projects into workspace”
Then select the folder where is the android project.
Let me say your game is named MyGame. You should import the folder >
Click in Project~~>clean (Please, make shure that the Project~~>Build automatically is checked).
It will compile you game and generate an apk into bin folder
This file can be used for tests purpouses only but you cannot submit it to Android Market.
Apks must be signed in order to submit them to Android market.
Then click in File~~>Export then Android->Export Android Application
Follow the steps and it will generate an apk ready to be deployed on Android Market. This file (MyGame.apk) will be in the folder >
For future reference, if you get an error about ‘make’ when you are using cygwin, that means that you do not have ‘make’.
So what you need to do is install it. Just run the cygwin setup, search for ‘make’ and install it.
On a side note, you’re gonna have to update the ‘make’ file at “android/jni/projectname/Android.mk” so that it includes your class source files:
LOCAL_SRC_FILES := main.cpp …/…/…/Classes/AppDelegate.cpp …/…/…/Classes/HelloWorldScene.cpp …/…/…/Classes/Scenes/SceneMain.cpp …/…/…/Classes/Objects/Player.cpp …/…/…/Classes/Objects/Portal.cpp