where is the jni_onload function for libgame ?

Hi everyone,
I’m trying to add some native function in game to call functions in java,
but I can not find the jni_onload function for libgame.

I look into cocos2djni.cpp and main.cpp… it seems that libgame is a part of libcocos2d… is that right?

someone encountered this problem too.

have you resolved it?

libgame is part of libcocos2d, so there is no jni_onload function for libgame.

libgame is part of libcocos2d, so there is no jni_onload function for libgame.

jni_onload is called when the .so is loading if it exists.
It is a good place if you want to do something at the loading.
You can afford one in main.cpp if you need.