Hi all.
I decided to switch from cocos console to Android Studio but I couldn’t. I opened proj.android-studio
in the studio and followed instructions in this topic: Cocos2d-x Android Studio NDK build C++ DEBUG - WORKS! - #20 by hgokturk . But it didn’t work. Everytime i run my game, i get these errors:
Please help me. I’m desperate 
The last time I saw a similar problem it was wrong NDK version, try r14.
Is this a new project? Can you compile and run the project using the console?
No this is not a new project. I created the project with an older version of cocos2d (i dont remember the version). Maybe I should create a new project with cocos2d-x latest version? But first i’ll try NDK r14.
Yes, it works with cocos console.
I think it is better to start with this, it is faster than downloading a new NDK.