#x-studio365, a game development tool based on Cocos2d-x

x-studio365 is a game develop tool based on cocos2d-x;It support Particle editing,Scene(UI) editing,Screen Adapting preview, Download the latest version: http://en-us.x-studio365.com
cocos2d-x version: 3.13, spine runtime version: 3.4

#pitfall: If restart required when installing, just ignore it.
Editor major features:

  1. Using cocos2d-x to render the main editor UI directly.
  2. Supports more than 20 1K-layout methods.
  3. Supports ParticleSystem Editing, import & export plist file.
  4. Supports view real adpating vision for any-size of devices.
  5. Supports import CocosStudio ccs project, and json format ui published by CocosStudio.
  6. Supports import .csb, and publish designed ui to cocosstudio(ccs), json, csd formats.
  7. Integrated AES batch encrypt/decrypt tool which work on CBC mode, and support MD5 checksum.
  8. Supports Chinese and English.
  9. Supports SpriteSheet creation.
    remark: It’s not support Timeline Editing currently.

#x-studio365 10.0.531.0 (2016.6.17)
#. Add json format ui import support.
#. Add general undo redo support for ui editing.

#x-studio365 10.0.533.1 (2016.6.23)

#new: Add *.csb batch import support.

#x-studio365 10.0.533.3 (2016.6.25)

#new: Add toolbar 1K-layout undo redo support.

x-studio365 10.0.540.3(2016.7.1 released)
1.Finished RedoUndo support.
2.Optimzie: Do not clear recently project list after new version installed.
3.fix some bug.

I went to the download page x-studio365_免费高速下载|百度网盘-分享无限制
when clicking the download file im getting this popup

when i click the big blue button i getting malware downloaded .
Man your application installs “BaiduYunGuanjia.exe” without me asking to install it in chines language
Which do some internet Malicious actions according the anti virus , what the hell is it ?

Hi, thanks for your feedback,
Because the Baidu corporation restrict, you need download and install baidu cloud client program to download the x-studio365 installer.
I use MFC framework, and create a independent thread for OpenGL render to combined the OpenGL event loop into your GUI loop.
At next version, the default language of x-studio365 will be english, and I will try to upload the installer to some US cloud storage, Could you introduce some popular & easy cloud to me?

dono … dropbox ?

Thanks, I will try.

Hi @Meir_yanovich
I uploaded installer to github, you can try download again.

#x-studio365 10.0.593.1 (2016.8.17)
#upgrade cocos2d-x engine to 3.13
#upgrade spine runtime to 3.4
#fix could not open project when restart program
#Add import spritesheet support
#Optimize open project speed
#fix crash when load a invalid spine animation
#fix focus problem after exit preview.
#Add spine event trigger logs.
#support UIButton & UIText Glow(.csb)

Can i ask, why not developed for example in Qt, to be platform independent?

Yes, because I’m a microsoft windows fans, and I combine MFC+cocos2d-x properly. :smile:

x-studio365 10.0.980.3(2016.10.10)
#feature: Support Lua debugging and edit.

x-studio365 10.0.992.0(2016.10.31)
#feature: Complete Lua debug feature, CallStack & Watch Window like Visual Studio. Now it is becoming the best free Lua Debug tool on Windows platform.

Usage: Open the BabeLua project, then press F5 to start debug.

Call Stack:


x-studio365 10.0.1000.0 (2017.2.11)
#new: Add Unity 64/32 (ulua, tolua) Debugging support.

UnityLua_DebugTutorial: http://git.oschina.net/halx99/UnityLua_DebugTutorial

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I tried to download it but the windows smart screen says that the app could be dangerous

just ignore it, windows smart screen will prevent any application which is not system application at first time to run.

By the way, The latest version of x-studio365 is 10.0.1066.0, you can download at this page: http://cn.x-studio365.com, I will update the english website later.

The software is a bit buggy and crashes from time to time, however so far is looking really good.
Good job